February 25, 2010

Thinking Email Marketing?

Using Flowtown With Your Email Marketing Lists
If you've never heard of Flowtown, it’s a service that lets you import an email list, then they cross-reference that data with public social profiles. So I can find out who among my subscribers is on Twitter and Facebook. It might even tell me who’s influential. What now? It’s not like I’m going to bug those subscribers with “more targeted emails” just because they’re “social.” I got one of those emails recently, and I can think of no better way to lose my hard earned subscribers. So I didn’t really think about this Flowtown thing much. Great for 1-to-1 sales, not so much for 1-to-many marketing.

But over time, we added engagement scoring, geotargeting, and the ability to download segments in MailChimp. The combination of all these new tools changed my outlook completely…

Read the rest of the article at mailchimp.

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