May 10, 2012

Submit your work for An Evening of Stars

In addition to honoring our local chapter members for their service, this year's An Evening of Stars will feature awards for four new categories:

Community Relations - Recognizes an organization’s programs that aim to improve relations with or seek to win the support/cooperation of, people or organizations in communities in which the sponsoring organization has an interest, need or opportunity.

Events and Observances - Showcases events or programs that fulfilled at least one of the organization’s public relations goals. This may include commemorations, observances, openings, celebrations or other special activities.

Integrated Communications - Awarded to a program that demonstrates leadership of public relations strategies and tactics in a creative and effective integrated campaign, along with other marketing or communications. The program must demonstrate the clear leadership of public relations, along with its integration with other disciplines.

Marketing/Public Relations Campaign - Given for outstanding campaigns – including programs, communications or publications – that seek to fulfill the organization’s marketing or public relations goals.

Start thinking now about what you might like to submit. The early bird deadline is Aug. 20, and the final deadline for submissions is Sept. 4.

Visit for all the details. 

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