May 10, 2011

Peter Shankman in Lawrence!

Ben Smith, of Social: IRL sent this opportunity to extend to our chapter.

Just a quick follow up on the Peter Shankman boot camp Social: IRL is hosting in Lawrence in July.

If you aren't familiar with Peter Shankman, you can read his bio at: Peter founded HARO, advises Fortune 500 corporations, is a respected VC and angel investor, acclaimed author and regular interviewee on national and international media.

The boot camp will focus on customer service in the socal age - engaging prospects, providing customer service, customer generated PR, creating brand advocates. Lots of powerful content. You can read more at: The event is about to go live on but I wanted to offer prior Social: IRL attendees a final pre-sale opportunity. The event registration is a fraction of the cost you'd typically pay to see Peter keynote, let alone in a boot camp format.
The discounted pre-sale rates are:

  • Regular registration $145
  • Non-profit registration $120
  • Student registration $95
  • Group registration $500

 These are some substantial discounts and won't be available after the event is live on At this point the pre-sale discounts arent available online, you'd need to call me to process registration and payment over the phone. You can reach me at 785-423-4538.


Hope you'll be able to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from Peter, an industry leader I have a great deal of respect for an an excited to be working with, and to make accessible for a much more afordable registration rate than just about any other event he's ever been part of.


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